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World Mental Health Day

Today is world mental health day. Almost all Nine23 employees work from home, a decision we made together in 2020 because we agreed the benefits of working from home outweighed any negatives.

Those benefits were a better work and social life balance, no commuting, avoiding sitting it in traffic, comfortable personal workspaces, and overall flexibility. However, benefits aside, it is becoming more apparent that working from home does have a big impact on our mental health and well-being.

We have found some useful tips and advice from the #NHS and #Mind that can help you feel more productive, motivated and take care of your mental health while working from home.

1. Try to get some fresh air and go for a short walk on your lunch break. Our CEO Stuart Mckean, CEO, Founder takes a daily walk, often sharing some beautiful photos of the beach which is extremely encouraging to the team to also take a break and go for a walk. Regular time outdoors is great for your mental health!

2. Working from home can be isolating so check in with team members regularly. Nine23 have a set check-in chat every day via Microsoft Teams to give the opportunity for the team to talk and have a much-needed social tea break! Stay connected and pick up the phone instead of emailing.

3. While it can be tempting to sit on the sofa try and make a dedicated workspace – Nine23 want our team home workspaces to be as comfortable as possible and offer to provide any equipment they may need.

4. Stand up! A couple of the Nine23 team have standing desks and under the desk treadmills to stay active during working hours. Standing up uses more muscles, burns more calories and is good for your back and posture.

Do you work from home? What are your tips and tricks to looking after your mental health and well-being?

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